public function __construct(array $options=[])
public function get_template(string $name, array $args)
public function get(string $group, string $key)
public function get_group(string $group)
public function set(string $group, string $key, $value)
public function parse_str($str, $ext)
public function write_doc(string $rel_path, string $content)
save a file to disk in the documents directory
public function write_file(string $rel_path, string $content)
save a file to disk in the root directory
public function read_file(string $rel_path)
Read a file from disk, from the project root
public function read_doc(string $rel_path)
Read a file from disk, from the project docs dir
public function doc_path(string $rel_path)
get a path to a docs file
public function report(string $msg)
Output a message to cli (may do logging later, idk)
public function warn($header, $message)
Output a message to cli, header highlighted in red
public function good($header, $message)
Output a message to cli, header highlighted in red
public function prepare_md_content(string $markdown)
apply small fixes to markdown
public function get_all_docsrc_files()
public function get_all_scan_files(): array
get array of all files in $scrawl->dir_scan
public function generate_apis()
Generate api docs for all files
(currently only php files)
public function generate_api($rel_path)
Generate api doc for a signle file
(currently only php files)
public function get_all_classes()
public function run()
Execute scrawl in its entirety
public function get_ast(string $file): array
get an array ast from a file
Currently only supports php files
Also sets the ast to scrawl
public function get_mdverb_ext()
get the class ast